Online-Panel: The incarceration of Jin Jiyan Azadî
„Jin, Jiyan, Azadi“ is a slogan that has its roots in the kurdish freedom movement and translates to „Women, Life, Freedom“. Many feminist and women* movements have shouted the slogan in their struggels resisting against partriarchal and femicidal regimes. It is a slogan that demands the liberation of women from all kinds of opression. Ever since the kurdish freedom movement has started the women´s liberation has been a key factor of the movement. It was Abdullah Öcalan, who has emphasized the importance of women’s rights and gender equality within their struggle for Kurdish autonomy. The slogan reflects their commitment to promoting women’s liberation as an integral part of their political and social vision for Kurdistan. February 15th marks the 25th anniversary of the abduction of Kurdish representative Abdullah Öcalan. Since then, Öcalan has been isolated on the prison island of Imrali and there has been no sign of life from him for three years.
How does Abdullah Öcalan relate to the philosophy of the Jin jiyan Azadî?
Why is he being held in isolation?
What significance does Abdullah Ocalan have for the international struggle?
On febraury 14th at 19:00/ 7 PM on Youtube channel of @WomenWeavingFuture
Havîn Güneser, Engineer, journalist, and women’s rights activist who writes and speaks extensively about Abdullah Öcalan
Radha D´Souza, Professor of International Law, Development Conflict Studies at the University of Westminster (UK)
Paula Martín Ponz, Member of iacta and feminist collective
Moderation: Larena Amin
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